Ladies Summer 9 Hole League!
We are offering a Fun Formatted, Low Pressure, Casual Ladies Night to meet, play golf and win fun prizes!
The first night of league play will be May 13, 2024.
Tee times will range from 4:45pm-5:15pm.
Space will be limited and full commitment to the league will be required by April 15, 2024!
16 weeks of league play with a cart = $384
What if I can’t make every Monday?
Understandably sometimes other plans get in the way. This does not change the price of play as committed tee times are reserved for this evening of play. Following league completion, two additional play options may be available on Monday evenings until the end of the 2024 season.
What if I don’t have a handicap?
In the beginning of the golf season, the process of creating a handicap can begin. For future league play it is important to maintain your handicap and The Ridge Golf Club will help in establishing your GHIN number.
I am not sure if I am good enough to play?
This league is inclusive to all ladies that want to play golf. Newer players will have the opportunity to play under low pressure. If a hole becomes too challenging or pace of play is a factor, players will be encouraged to scoop their ball and continue to the green with their foresome.
Can I play with the same people every week?
It is not yet determined how the parings will be made. (possibly a drawing of names/numbers). Each week the parings will be different and play is not determined until the day/evening of league play. It will be encouraged to enjoy friends (old and new) pre golf and after golf in the grill.
What if it’s bad weather?
If league play needs to be canceled due to rain or golf course too wet for carts, league play will contnue into the next week of the season until 16 weeks of play has completed.
How much does it cost?
Joining the league and 16 weeks of play is $384
*additional fees will be optional
When is the deadline to sign up?
Full commitment and payment is due by April 15th.
space is limited –